Inspecting data



Sungkyun Cho


March 28, 2024

# numerical calculation & data frames
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# visualization
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import seaborn.objects as so

# statistics
import statsmodels.api as sm

# pandas options
pd.set_option('mode.copy_on_write', True)  # pandas 2.0
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:.2f}'.format  # pd.reset_option('display.float_format')
pd.options.display.max_rows = 7  # max number of rows to display

# NumPy options
np.set_printoptions(precision = 2, suppress=True)  # suppress scientific notation

# For high resolution display
import matplotlib_inline

Matplotlib/Seaborn 플랏에서 흐릿하게 그려지는 경우: 고해상도 디스플레이에 최적화

import matplotlib_inline

Useful method

.head(), .tail(), .sample()
.info(), .describe(),
.sort_values(), .nlargest(), .nsmallest()

Data: Tips
일정기간 한 웨이터가 얻은 팁에 대한 데이터

# load a dataset
tips = sns.load_dataset("tips")
     total_bill  tip     sex smoker   day    time  size
0         16.99 1.01  Female     No   Sun  Dinner     2
1         10.34 1.66    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     3
2         21.01 3.50    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     3
..          ...  ...     ...    ...   ...     ...   ...
241       22.67 2.00    Male    Yes   Sat  Dinner     2
242       17.82 1.75    Male     No   Sat  Dinner     2
243       18.78 3.00  Female     No  Thur  Dinner     2

[244 rows x 7 columns]
tips.head(3)  # 앞 n개 나열, 기본값은 5
   total_bill  tip     sex smoker  day    time  size
0       16.99 1.01  Female     No  Sun  Dinner     2
1       10.34 1.66    Male     No  Sun  Dinner     3
2       21.01 3.50    Male     No  Sun  Dinner     3
tips.sample(5)  # 무작위로 n개 표본 추출, 기본값은 1
     total_bill  tip     sex smoker   day    time  size
129       22.82 2.18    Male     No  Thur   Lunch     3
30         9.55 1.45    Male     No   Sat  Dinner     2
234       15.53 3.00    Male    Yes   Sat  Dinner     2
215       12.90 1.10  Female    Yes   Sat  Dinner     2
146       18.64 1.36  Female     No  Thur   Lunch     3
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 244 entries, 0 to 243
Data columns (total 7 columns):
 #   Column      Non-Null Count  Dtype   
---  ------      --------------  -----   
 0   total_bill  244 non-null    float64 
 1   tip         244 non-null    float64 
 2   sex         244 non-null    category
 3   smoker      244 non-null    category
 4   day         244 non-null    category
 5   time        244 non-null    category
 6   size        244 non-null    int64   
dtypes: category(4), float64(2), int64(1)
memory usage: 7.4 KB
tips.describe()  # numerical type만 나열
       total_bill    tip   size
count      244.00 244.00 244.00
mean        19.79   3.00   2.57
std          8.90   1.38   0.95
...           ...    ...    ...
50%         17.80   2.90   2.00
75%         24.13   3.56   3.00
max         50.81  10.00   6.00

[8 rows x 3 columns]
tips.describe(include="all")  # all types 나열
        total_bill    tip   sex smoker  day    time   size
count       244.00 244.00   244    244  244     244 244.00
unique         NaN    NaN     2      2    4       2    NaN
top            NaN    NaN  Male     No  Sat  Dinner    NaN
...            ...    ...   ...    ...  ...     ...    ...
50%          17.80   2.90   NaN    NaN  NaN     NaN   2.00
75%          24.13   3.56   NaN    NaN  NaN     NaN   3.00
max          50.81  10.00   NaN    NaN  NaN     NaN   6.00

[11 rows x 7 columns]
         sex smoker  day    time
count    244    244  244     244
unique     2      2    4       2
top     Male     No  Sat  Dinner
freq     157    151   87     176
s1 = tips.value_counts("day") # "day" 칼럼에 대한 각 카테고리별 counts
s2 = tips.value_counts("day", sort=False) # default: sort is true
s3 = tips.value_counts("day", ascending=True) # default: ascending is False
s4 = tips.value_counts("day", normalize=True) # 카테고리별 비율
s5 = tips.value_counts(["sex", "smoker"]) # "sex", "smoker" 칼럼에 대한 유니크한 카테고리별 counts
Sat     87
Sun     76
Thur    62
Fri     19
Name: count, dtype: int64
(a) s1
Thur    62
Fri     19
Sat     87
Sun     76
Name: count, dtype: int64
(b) s2
Fri     19
Thur    62
Sun     76
Sat     87
Name: count, dtype: int64
(c) s3
Sat    0.36
Sun    0.31
Thur   0.25
Fri    0.08
Name: proportion, dtype: float64
(d) s4
sex     smoker
Male    No        97
        Yes       60
Female  No        54
        Yes       33
Name: count, dtype: int64
(e) s5
Figure 1: value_count()의 arguments

.value_count()의 결과는 Series이며 그 이름은 ‘count’ 또는 ’proportion’임 (pandas 2.0)

Missing(NA)을 count하지 않으나 dropna=False을 이용해 나타낼 수 있음

tips.value_counts("day", dropna=False)

Series에 대해서도 적용되며, DataFrame으로 컬럼을 선택해 적용할 수 있음

tips["day"].value_counts()  # tips["day"]: Series object
tips[["sex", "smoker"]].value_counts()

Data: palmerpenguins

# load a dataset
penguins = sns.load_dataset("penguins")
  species     island  bill_length_mm  bill_depth_mm  flipper_length_mm  \
0  Adelie  Torgersen           39.10          18.70             181.00   
1  Adelie  Torgersen           39.50          17.40             186.00   
2  Adelie  Torgersen           40.30          18.00             195.00   
3  Adelie  Torgersen             NaN            NaN                NaN   
4  Adelie  Torgersen           36.70          19.30             193.00   

   body_mass_g     sex  
0      3750.00    Male  
1      3800.00  Female  
2      3250.00  Female  
3          NaN     NaN  
4      3450.00  Female
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 344 entries, 0 to 343
Data columns (total 7 columns):
 #   Column             Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------             --------------  -----  
 0   species            344 non-null    object 
 1   island             344 non-null    object 
 2   bill_length_mm     342 non-null    float64
 3   bill_depth_mm      342 non-null    float64
 4   flipper_length_mm  342 non-null    float64
 5   body_mass_g        342 non-null    float64
 6   sex                333 non-null    object 
dtypes: float64(4), object(3)
memory usage: 18.9+ KB
       species  island   sex
count      344     344   333
unique       3       3     2
top     Adelie  Biscoe  Male
freq       152     168   168
penguins.value_counts(["island", "species"])
island     species  
Biscoe     Gentoo       124
Dream      Chinstrap     68
           Adelie        56
Torgersen  Adelie        52
Biscoe     Adelie        44
Name: count, dtype: int64
penguins.value_counts(["sex", "species"], dropna=False) # NA은 기본적으로 생략
sex     species  
Female  Adelie       73
Male    Adelie       73
        Gentoo       61
        Chinstrap    34
NaN     Adelie        6
        Gentoo        5
Name: count, Length: 8, dtype: int64
tips.sort_values("tip", ascending=False)
     total_bill   tip     sex smoker  day    time  size
170       50.81 10.00    Male    Yes  Sat  Dinner     3
212       48.33  9.00    Male     No  Sat  Dinner     4
23        39.42  7.58    Male     No  Sat  Dinner     4
..          ...   ...     ...    ...  ...     ...   ...
111        7.25  1.00  Female     No  Sat  Dinner     1
67         3.07  1.00  Female    Yes  Sat  Dinner     1
92         5.75  1.00  Female    Yes  Fri  Dinner     2

[244 rows x 7 columns]
tips.sort_values(["size", "tip"], ascending=[False, True])
     total_bill  tip     sex smoker   day    time  size
125       29.80 4.20  Female     No  Thur   Lunch     6
143       27.05 5.00  Female     No  Thur   Lunch     6
156       48.17 5.00    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     6
..          ...  ...     ...    ...   ...     ...   ...
111        7.25 1.00  Female     No   Sat  Dinner     1
82        10.07 1.83  Female     No  Thur   Lunch     1
222        8.58 1.92    Male    Yes   Fri   Lunch     1

[244 rows x 7 columns]
tips.nlargest(3, "tip")  # 다수의 동등 순위가 있을 때 처리: keep="first", "last", "all"
     total_bill   tip   sex smoker  day    time  size
170       50.81 10.00  Male    Yes  Sat  Dinner     3
212       48.33  9.00  Male     No  Sat  Dinner     4
23        39.42  7.58  Male     No  Sat  Dinner     4