Shrinkage Implementations

An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in Python by Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani


Sungkyun Cho


November 28, 2024

Load packages
# numerical calculation & data frames
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# visualization
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import seaborn.objects as so

# statistics
import statsmodels.api as sm

# pandas options
pd.set_option('mode.copy_on_write', True)  # pandas 2.0
pd.options.display.max_rows = 7  # max number of rows to display

# NumPy options
np.set_printoptions(precision = 5, suppress=True)  # suppress scientific notation

# For high resolution display
import matplotlib_inline
from ISLP import load_data
from ISLP.models import ModelSpec

import sklearn.model_selection as skm
import sklearn.linear_model as sklm
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.metrics import root_mean_squared_error, r2_score

Major League Baseball Data from the 1986 and 1987 seasons

Hitters = load_data('Hitters') # from ISLP
Hitters = Hitters.dropna()
     AtBat  Hits  HmRun  Runs  RBI  Walks  Years  CAtBat  CHits  CHmRun  \
1      315    81      7    24   38     39     14    3449    835      69   
2      479   130     18    66   72     76      3    1624    457      63   
3      496   141     20    65   78     37     11    5628   1575     225   
..     ...   ...    ...   ...  ...    ...    ...     ...    ...     ...   
319    475   126      3    61   43     52      6    1700    433       7   
320    573   144      9    85   60     78      8    3198    857      97   
321    631   170      9    77   44     31     11    4908   1457      30   

     CRuns  CRBI  CWalks League Division  PutOuts  Assists  Errors  Salary  \
1      321   414     375      N        W      632       43      10   475.0   
2      224   266     263      A        W      880       82      14   480.0   
3      828   838     354      N        E      200       11       3   500.0   
..     ...   ...     ...    ...      ...      ...      ...     ...     ...   
319    217    93     146      A        W       37      113       7   385.0   
320    470   420     332      A        E     1314      131      12   960.0   
321    775   357     249      A        W      408        4       3  1000.0   

1           N  
2           A  
3           N  
..        ...  
319         A  
320         A  
321         A  

[263 rows x 20 columns]

Predicting Baseball Salaries

선수들의 여러 지표를 바탕으로 선수의 연봉을 예측하고자 함.

# specifiy the predictors and response
X = Hitters.drop(columns='Salary')
X = pd.get_dummies(X, drop_first=True)  # convert categorical variables to dummy variables
y = Hitters['Salary']
     AtBat  Hits  HmRun  Runs  RBI  Walks  Years  CAtBat  CHits  CHmRun  \
1      315    81      7    24   38     39     14    3449    835      69   
2      479   130     18    66   72     76      3    1624    457      63   
3      496   141     20    65   78     37     11    5628   1575     225   
..     ...   ...    ...   ...  ...    ...    ...     ...    ...     ...   
319    475   126      3    61   43     52      6    1700    433       7   
320    573   144      9    85   60     78      8    3198    857      97   
321    631   170      9    77   44     31     11    4908   1457      30   

     CRuns  CRBI  CWalks  PutOuts  Assists  Errors  League_N  Division_W  \
1      321   414     375      632       43      10      True        True   
2      224   266     263      880       82      14     False        True   
3      828   838     354      200       11       3      True       False   
..     ...   ...     ...      ...      ...     ...       ...         ...   
319    217    93     146       37      113       7     False        True   
320    470   420     332     1314      131      12     False       False   
321    775   357     249      408        4       3     False        True   

1           True  
2          False  
3           True  
..           ...  
319        False  
320        False  
321        False  

[263 rows x 19 columns]

ISLP 패키지의 ModelSpec()을 이용해 예측변수 중 카테고리 변수에 대한 preprocessing

MS = ModelSpec(Hitters.columns.drop(['Salary']), intercept=False)
X = MS.fit_transform(Hitters)

padas의 pd.get_dummies()를 사용

X = Hitters.drop(columns='Salary')
X = pd.get_dummies(X, drop_first=True)

sklearn의 OneHotEncoder를 사용하면,

from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer

X = Hitters.drop(columns='Salary')
X_cat = X.select_dtypes('category').columns.tolist()
X_num = X.select_dtypes('number').columns.tolist()

enc = OneHotEncoder(sparse_output=False, drop="first")
ct = ColumnTransformer([('onehot', enc, X_cat)], remainder='passthrough')

X = ct.fit_transform(X)

Ridge Regression

import sklearn.linear_model as sklm
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

# standardize X
scaler = StandardScaler()
X_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(X)

# create an array of alpha values
lambdas = np.logspace(-2, 10, 100) / y.std()  

ridge_coefs = []
for alpha in lambdas:
    ridge = sklm.Ridge(alpha=alpha), y)
ridge_coefs = np.array(ridge_coefs)
ridge_coefs = pd.DataFrame(ridge_coefs, columns=X.columns, index=lambdas) = 'lambda'
               AtBat        Hits      HmRun       Runs        RBI       Walks  \
0.000022 -291.094162  337.829131  37.853033 -60.571234 -26.994245  135.073570   
0.000029 -291.094036  337.828697  37.852775 -60.570833 -26.994007  135.073465   
0.000039 -291.093868  337.828124  37.852433 -60.570303 -26.993693  135.073326   

              Years      CAtBat      CHits     CHmRun       CRuns        CRBI  \
0.000022 -16.694157 -391.033663  86.691953 -14.178832  480.740064  260.684702   
0.000029 -16.694414 -391.032055  86.693349 -14.177901  480.737788  260.683034   
0.000039 -16.694753 -391.029931  86.695195 -14.176671  480.734779  260.680828   

              CWalks    PutOuts    Assists     Errors   League_N  Division_W  \
0.000022 -213.891103  78.761297  53.732322 -22.160934  31.248776  -58.414130   
0.000029 -213.890731  78.761297  53.732268 -22.160957  31.248781  -58.414151   
0.000039 -213.890240  78.761297  53.732197 -22.160987  31.248787  -58.414180   

0.000022   -12.348893  
0.000029   -12.348919  
0.000039   -12.348954  
ridge_coefs.plot(figsize=(8, 6))
plt.ylabel('Standardized coefficients')
plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))

\(\lambda\)값 중 하나를 살펴보면, 가령 50번째 \(\lambda\)값과 그에 대응하는 회귀계수들은

pd.options.display.max_rows = 0
beta_hat = ridge_coefs.iloc[50, :]
print(f"lambda: {lambdas[50]}, \nbeta hats: \n{beta_hat}")
lambda: 25.48679637046264, 
beta hats: 
AtBat         -60.554231
Hits           94.445543
HmRun         -11.652839
Runs           29.082098
RBI            20.558595
Walks          61.290878
Years         -32.326762
CAtBat         11.255280
CHits          72.074056
CHmRun         52.153738
CRuns          76.011242
CRBI           73.044427
CWalks        -45.183088
PutOuts        70.812650
Assists        18.834114
Errors        -22.285540
League_N       23.712255
Division_W    -59.725489
NewLeague_N    -5.619252
Name: 25.48679637046264, dtype: float64

Estimating Test Error of Ridge Regression

한 예로, \(\lambda = 25\)로 Ridge regression을 수행하면,

from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

ridge = sklm.Ridge(alpha=25)
scaler = StandardScaler()  # standardize

ridge_scaled = Pipeline([('scaler', scaler), ('ridge', ridge)]), y)
Pipeline(steps=[('scaler', StandardScaler()), ('ridge', Ridge(alpha=25))])
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Using Pipeline

파이프라인을 사용해, scikit-learn의 여러 class들을(예. estimator, tranformer) 순서대로 적용되도록 묶을 수 있음
Tuple의 list로 입력: (name, estimator)

ridge_scaled = Pipeline([('scaler', scaler), ('ridge', ridge)]), y)

이름을 지정하지 않고 간략히 처리하는 경우, Pipeline 대신 make_pipeline을 사용할 수 있음
이 경우, 이름은 자동으로 생성됨

from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline

ridge_scaled = make_pipeline(scaler, ridge), y)

각 변수의 파라미터 추정치

array([-61.83616,  95.40164, -11.71174,  29.01527,  20.50437,  61.68053,
       -32.74913,  10.86313,  72.57968,  52.3169 ,  76.67548,  73.45853,
       -46.12262,  70.93771,  19.03332, -22.37589,  23.82647, -59.80705,

이제, 최적의 \(\lambda\)를 찾기 위해 cross-validation을 수행하는데,
기준이 되는 대표적 metric은 MSE(mean squared error) 또는 \(R^2\)

다른 metric에 대해서는 sklearn.metric 참고

import sklearn.model_selection as skm

ridge = sklm.Ridge()
scaler = StandardScaler()
ridge_scaled = Pipeline([('scaler', scaler), ('ridge', ridge)])  

K = 5
kfold = skm.KFold(K, shuffle=True, random_state=0)
param_grid = {'ridge__alpha': lambdas}  # ridge: the name of the step in the pipeline, alpha: the parameter name

grid = skm.GridSearchCV(ridge_scaled, 
                        scoring='neg_mean_squared_error'), y)
GridSearchCV(cv=KFold(n_splits=5, random_state=0, shuffle=True),
             estimator=Pipeline(steps=[('scaler', StandardScaler()),
                                       ('ridge', Ridge())]),
             param_grid={'ridge__alpha': array([       0.00002,        0.00003,        0.00004,        0.00005,
              0.00007,        0.00009,        0.00012,        0.00016,
              0.00021,        0.00027,        0.00036,        0.00048,
              0.00063,        0.00083,        0.0011 ,        0.00146,
              0.00193,        0.00255,        0.00337,        0.00445,
              0.00589,        0.00778,        0.010...
          36126.87535,    47757.60309,    63132.74068,    83457.76772,
         110326.25731,   145844.81929,   192798.26791,   254867.9637 ,
         336920.44865,   445389.00483,   588778.05255,   778329.93498,
        1028906.36814,  1360153.66596,  1798043.09927,  2376907.15964,
        3142131.38041,  4153712.76566,  5490963.82383,  7258731.02346,
        9595615.22556, 12684838.61151, 16768610.12221, 22167115.72313])},
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{'ridge__alpha': np.float64(2.732865634209876)}
Pipeline(steps=[('scaler', StandardScaler()),
                ('ridge', Ridge(alpha=np.float64(2.732865634209876)))])
In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
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array([-230.65706,  247.37135,    5.00202,   -6.18649,    2.11026,
        111.2861 ,  -49.87498, -118.09574,  123.57104,   56.01087,
        222.83363,  121.82137, -155.27562,   77.90012,   41.12019,
        -24.88459,   30.4831 ,  -61.48008,  -13.76634])
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=70)
    yerr=grid.cv_results_["std_test_score"] / np.sqrt(K),
plt.axvline(grid.best_params_["ridge__alpha"], color=".5", linestyle=":")
plt.ylabel("Cross-validated MSE")

R-squared 값으로 비교하면, (default 값)

grid = skm.GridSearchCV(ridge_scaled, 
                        scoring='r2') # default, y)

위와 마찬가지로 plot을 그리면,


Cross-validation이 통합되어 있는 간편한 함수: RidgeCV, LassoCV, ElasticNetCV

# suppress warnings for ElasticNet
import warnings
kfold = skm.KFold(5, shuffle=True, random_state=0)

# RidgeCV 함수에 mse_path가 없으므로, 대신 ElasticNetCV를 사용
ridgeCV = sklm.ElasticNetCV(alphas=lambdas, l1_ratio=0, cv=kfold)  # l1_ratio=0: L2 regularization, l1_ratio=1: L1 regularization
pipeCV = Pipeline(steps=[("scaler", scaler), ("ridge", ridgeCV)]), y)
array([-213.94939,  229.32917,    1.36088,    0.44074,    5.24782,
        106.26368,  -51.59113,  -92.22839,  120.087  ,   58.1399 ,
        197.63691,  114.42331, -144.621  ,   77.54784,   38.9252 ,
        -25.15106,   30.2249 ,  -61.76237,  -13.56158])
\(\lambda\)에 따른 변화를 보려면
tuned_ridge = pipeCV.named_steps["ridge"]

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=40)
    yerr=tuned_ridge.mse_path_.std(axis=1) / np.sqrt(K),
plt.axvline(tuned_ridge.alpha_, c=".5", ls=":")
plt.ylabel("Cross-validated MSE")

Evaluating Test Error of Cross-Validated Ridge

앞서 적절한 \(\lambda\)를 찾기 위해 cross-validation을 활용하는 방법을 살펴보았음.
타당한 “test” error를 구하기 위해서는 처음에 training set만을 이용해 \(\lambda\)를 찾은 후,
test set을 이용해 error를 구해야 함.

# Split the data into training and test sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = skm.train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.5, random_state=123)

# standardize X
scaler = StandardScaler()
X_train_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(X_train)
X_test_scaled = scaler.transform(X_test)

# Fit the model on the training set
kfold = skm.KFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=2)
ridgeCV = sklm.RidgeCV(alphas=lambdas, cv=kfold), y_train)
RidgeCV(alphas=array([275.03283, 256.49654, 239.20953, 223.08761, 208.05225, 194.03023,
       180.95324, 168.7576 , 157.3839 , 146.77675, 136.88449, 127.65893,
       119.05515, 111.03123, 103.5481 ,  96.5693 ,  90.06085,  83.99105,
        78.33034,  73.05113,  68.12773,  63.53615,  59.25403,  55.2605 ,
        51.53613,  48.06277,  44.8235 ,  41.80255,  38.98519,  36.35772,
        33.90733,  31.62209,  29.49087,  27.50328,  25.64965,  23.9...
         4.18025,   3.89852,   3.63577,   3.39073,   3.16221,   2.94909,
         2.75033,   2.56497,   2.3921 ,   2.23088,   2.08052,   1.9403 ,
         1.80953,   1.68758,   1.57384,   1.46777,   1.36884,   1.27659,
         1.19055,   1.11031,   1.03548,   0.96569,   0.90061,   0.83991,
         0.7833 ,   0.73051,   0.68128,   0.63536,   0.59254,   0.55261,
         0.51536,   0.48063,   0.44823,   0.41803,   0.38985,   0.36358,
         0.33907,   0.31622,   0.29491,   0.27503]),
        cv=KFold(n_splits=5, random_state=2, shuffle=True))
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from sklearn.metrics import root_mean_squared_error, r2_score

# Calculate the test RMSE and R-squared using the test set
def print_metrics(y, x):
    print(f"Test RMSE = {root_mean_squared_error(y, x):.2f}")
    print(f"Test R-squared = {r2_score(y, x):.2f}")

print_metrics(y_test, ridgeCV.predict(X_test_scaled))
Test RMSE = 330.19
Test R-squared = 0.34

ShuffleSplit으로 1번 교차검증을 하는 방식으로, training set과 test set을 나누는 방법

outer_valid = skm.ShuffleSplit(n_splits=1, test_size=0.25, random_state=1)

inner_cv = skm.KFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=2)
ridgeCV = sklm.RidgeCV(alphas=lambdas, cv=inner_cv)
pipeCV = Pipeline(steps=[("scaler", scaler), ("ridge", ridgeCV)])

results = skm.cross_validate(
    pipeCV, X, y, cv=outer_valid, scoring="neg_mean_squared_error"

# array([132026.01644])

Higer order polynomial regression + Ridge

고차항을 추가한 후 Ridge regression을 수행하면,

from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures

ridge = sklm.Ridge()
poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree=2)  # 모든 2차항을 포함
poly_ridge = Pipeline([('poly', poly), ('ridge', ridge)])

K = 5
kfold = skm.KFold(K, shuffle=True, random_state=0)
lambdas = np.logspace(-2, 10, 100) / y.std()
param_grid = {'ridge__alpha': lambdas}

grid_poly_ridge = skm.GridSearchCV(poly_ridge, 
                        scoring='neg_mean_squared_error'), y_train);
print_metrics(y_test, grid_poly_ridge.best_estimator_.predict(X_test_scaled))
Test RMSE = 360.57
Test R-squared = 0.21

Lasso Regression

Ridge에서와 마찬가지로, 우선 training/test set으로 나눈 후,
training set에서 cross-validation을 이용해 최적의 \(\lambda\)를 찾은 후,
test set을 이용해 test error를 구해보면,

# Split the data into training and test sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = skm.train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.5, random_state=1)

# standardize X
scaler = StandardScaler()
X_train_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(X_train)
X_test_scaled = scaler.transform(X_test)

# create an array of alpha values
lambdas = np.logspace(2, 6, 100) / y.std()

lasso_coefs = []
for alpha in lambdas:
    lasso = sklm.Lasso(alpha=alpha), y_train)
lasso_coefs = np.array(lasso_coefs)
lasso_coefs = pd.DataFrame(lasso_coefs, columns=X.columns, index=lambdas) = 'lambda'
                 AtBat        Hits      HmRun  Runs        RBI      Walks  \
58.877805     0.000000   28.063740   0.000000   0.0  15.507350  54.777702   
3.964920   -282.087576  298.363238 -25.946751  -0.0  43.706836  87.276887   
344.848531    0.000000    0.000000   0.000000   0.0   0.000000   0.000000   
85.421614     0.000000   14.620521   0.000000   0.0  22.543629  43.842263   
14.584482    -0.000000   55.000151  -0.000000   0.0   0.000000  71.600000   

               Years  CAtBat  CHits     CHmRun     CRuns        CRBI   CWalks  \
58.877805   0.000000     0.0    0.0   0.000000  0.000000  171.424457  0.00000   
3.964920   -1.315728    -0.0    0.0  94.297054  1.854077  136.835250 -5.38028   
344.848531  0.000000     0.0    0.0   0.000000  0.000000    0.000000  0.00000   
85.421614   0.000000     0.0    0.0   0.000000  0.000000  150.116450  0.00000   
14.584482   0.000000     0.0    0.0  25.159039  0.000000  185.973787  0.00000   

               PutOuts    Assists  Errors   League_N  Division_W  NewLeague_N  
58.877805    94.315200   0.000000     0.0   0.000000  -13.044781          0.0  
3.964920    124.505182  13.670514    -0.0  15.677443  -59.922602         -0.0  
344.848531    0.000000  -0.000000     0.0  -0.000000   -0.000000         -0.0  
85.421614    79.406766   0.000000     0.0   0.000000   -0.000000          0.0  
14.584482   116.481406  -0.000000    -0.0   0.940461  -57.024540          0.0  
Plot the lasso coefficients
lasso_coefs.plot(figsize=(8, 6))
plt.ylabel('Standardized coefficients')
plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))

Evaluating Test Error of Cross-Validated Ridge

5-fold cross-validation을 이용해 최적의 \(\lambda\)를 찾으면,

# Fit the model on the training set
K = 5
kfold = skm.KFold(n_splits=K, shuffle=True, random_state=1)
lassoCV = sklm.LassoCV(cv=kfold), y_train)
LassoCV(cv=KFold(n_splits=5, random_state=1, shuffle=True))
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array([-297.37844,  254.07362,  -32.11397,  -13.73482,   85.00807,
         89.97288,   17.75389, -969.62686,  857.24631,  154.46851,
        179.9078 ,    0.     ,   -1.71849,  125.64956,   55.05843,
        -28.67818,   53.39268,  -57.39778,  -30.45363])

Test error with optimal \(\lambda\)

# Calculate the test RMSE and R-squared using the test set
print_metrics(y_test, lassoCV.predict(X_test_scaled))
Test RMSE = 328.84
Test R-squared = 0.37
Plot the cross-validated RMSE
lambdas = lassoCV.alphas_
lasso_path = np.sqrt(lassoCV.mse_path_).mean(axis=1)
lasso_path_se = np.sqrt(lassoCV.mse_path_).std(axis=1) / np.sqrt(K)

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=70)
plt.errorbar(lambdas, lasso_path, yerr=lasso_path_se)
plt.axvline(lassoCV.alpha_, color=".5", linestyle=":")
plt.ylabel("Cross-validated RMSE")

lasso_l20 = sklm.Lasso(alpha=20), y_train)

coefs = lasso_l20.coef_
array([ -0.     ,  52.94574,   0.     ,   0.     ,   0.     ,  69.58717,
         0.     ,   0.     ,   0.     ,  22.35575,   0.     , 184.34984,
         0.     , 113.96798,  -0.     ,  -0.     ,   0.     , -51.76979,
         0.     ])

19개의 변수 중 다음 6개의 변수만 선택하여, 소위 variable/feature selection을 수행하게 됨.
반면, 앞서 최적의 \(\lambda=0.75\)에서는 17개의 변수가 선택되었음.

Index(['Hits', 'Walks', 'CHmRun', 'CRBI', 'PutOuts', 'Division_W'], dtype='object')

Test error with \(\lambda=20\)

print_metrics(y_test, lasso_l20.predict(X_test_scaled))
Test RMSE = 323.47
Test R-squared = 0.39
Feature selection using SelectFromModel

SelectFromModel()를 이용해, Lasso regression을 통해 선택된 변수만을 사용할 수 있음

from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectFromModel

model_reduced = SelectFromModel(lasso_l20, prefit=True)
X_new = model_reduced.transform(X)
# array([[  81,   39,   69,  414,  632,    1],
#        [ 130,   76,   63,  266,  880,    1],
#        [ 141,   37,  225,  838,  200,    0],
#        ...,
#        [ 126,   52,    7,   93,   37,    1],
#        [ 144,   78,   97,  420, 1314,    0],
#        [ 170,   31,   30,  357,  408,    1]])


모두 함께 비교하면,

Hitters의 예는 19개의 예측변수와 N=263개의 관측값만으로 연봉을 예측하는 문제임.
그 중 50%의 training set으로 모델을 fitting한 후, 나머지 50%의 test set으로 모델을 평가함.

만약, 선형회귀모델을 사용한다면,

lr = sklm.LinearRegression(), y_train)
print_metrics(y_test, lr.predict(X_test_scaled))
Test RMSE = 341.60
Test R-squared = 0.32

이전 Ridge, Ridge with a higher order polynomial, Lasso, Lasso with variable selection에 대한 결과를 비교해보면,

Test RMSE = 318.85
Test R-squared = 0.41

Ridge with polynomial of degree 2
Test RMSE = 304.79
Test R-squared = 0.46

Test RMSE = 328.84
Test R-squared = 0.37

Lasso with 6 predictors only (lambda = 20)
Test RMSE = 323.47
Test R-squared = 0.39